sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010



Combinations and Counters

for Judo Throwing Techniques

by Neil Ohlenkamp

Select the following Judo throws (nage waza) to see a drawing of how to do the technique. The techniques are listed in alphabetical order by the Japanese name. For each throw there is a combination technique that can be used to set-up, or prepare, for the attack, and there is a follow-up throw in the event the first attack fails. In addition to these combinations there are throws the opponent can do in response to each attack, or counter throws. For a more comprehensive list with photos get the book Judo Unleashed.


Set-up Attack

Follow-up Attack


Foot Wheel
Advancing Foot Sweep
Spring Hip Throw
Sweeping Hip Throw
Knee Wheel
Kuchiki Taoshi
Flying Scissors
Hip Wheel
Minor Outside Hook
Minor Outside Reap
Kibisu Gaeshi
Minor Inner Reap
Minor Inner Wraparound
Sumi Gaeshi
Double Outside Reap
Major Hip Throw
Major Wheel
Sliding Foot Sweep
Major Outer Reaping
Major Inner Reaping
Lifting Pulling Ankle Block
Shoulder Throw
Shoulder Drop
Sleeve Lifting Pulling Hip
Sukui Nage
Corner Reversal
Body Drop
Valley Drop
Circle Throw
Lifting Hip
Lifting Pulling Hip
Inner Thigh Throw
Uchi Mata Sukashi
Floating Hip
Back Throw
Rear Hip Throw

"Judo Combination Techniques" by Teizo Kawamura (7th dan), 1958 (KAWA)

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