sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

The 67 Throws of Kodokan Judo

Order the gokyo video from JNS Productions!

The Gokyo no Waza as the standard syllabus of Judo throws originated in 1895. From 1920 to 1982 the Kodokan Gokyo no Waza was made up of 40 throws in 5 groups and these were all of the throwing techniques in the Kodokan syllabus. Around the 100th anniversary of the Kodokan (1982) a group of 8 traditional Judo throws were recognized that had been taken out in 1920, and 17 newer techniques were recognized as official Kodokan Judo throws (called the Shinmeisho no Waza). In 1997 the Kodokan added the last two additional Judo throws to the Shinmeisho no Waza. The following are the only throwing techniques (nage waza) currently recognized by the Kodokan.

Dai Ikkyo (1st group)Dai Nikyo (2nd group)
1. Deashi Harai1. Kosoto Gari
2. Hiza Guruma2. Kouchi Gari
3. Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi3. Koshi Guruma
4. Uki Goshi4. Tsurikomi Goshi
5. Osoto Gari5. Okuriashi Harai
6. O Goshi6. Tai Otoshi
7. Ouchi Gari7. Harai Goshi
8. Seoi Nage8. Uchi Mata

Sankyo (3rd group)Yonkyo (4th group)
1. Kosoto Gake1. Sumi Gaeshi
2. Tsuri Goshi2. Tani Otoshi
3. Yoko Otoshi3. Hane Makikomi
4. Ashi Guruma4. Sukui Nage
5. Hane Goshi5. Utsuri Goshi
6. Harai Tsurikomi Ashi6. O Guruma
7. Tomoe Nage7. Soto Makikomi
8. Kata Guruma8. Uki Otoshi

Gokyo (5th group)Habukareta Waza (preserved techniques from 1895 gokyo)
1. Osoto Guruma1. Obi Otoshi
2. Uki Waza2. Seoi Otoshi
3. Yoko Wakare3. Yama Arashi
4. Yoko Guruma4. Osoto Otoshi
5. Ushiro Goshi5. Daki Wakare
6. Ura Nage6. Hikikomi Gaeshi
7. Sumi Otoshi7. Tawara Gaeshi
8. Yoko Gake8. Uchi Makikomi

Shinmeisho No Waza(newly accepted techniques)

1. Morote Gari

2. Kuchiki Taoshi
3. Kibisu Gaeshi4. Uchi Mata Sukashi
5. Daki Age6. Tsubame Gaeshi
7. Kouchi Gaeshi8. Ouchi Gaeshi
9. Osoto Gaeshi10. Harai Goshi Gaeshi
11. Uchi Mata Gaeshi12. Hane Goshi Gaeshi
13. Kani Basami14. Osoto Makikomi
15. Kawazu Gake16. Harai Makikomi
17. Uchi Mata Makikomi18. Sode Tsurikomi Goshi
19. Ippon Seoinage

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